Hollow drill bit for drilling with low dust as well as for efficient and approved anchoring.

Hollow drill bit FHD Max

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Product variants

6 Product variant (s)
Drill diameter
Total length
Working length
Viewed 6 of 6 variant (s)

The advantages / Product description

  • Drilling and drill hole cleaning in one single step saves the normal cleaning of chemical and mechanical anchoring when the hollow drill bit is regulated by their respective approvals. This saves up to 55% of the complete drill hole creation process.
  • The drill hole will be cleaned thoroughly guaranteeing a secure fixing (drilling dust reduces performance of fixing materials).
  • Reducing the drill dust prevents jamming when drilling therefore provides a faster and frictionless drilling progress.
  • Immediate extraction of drilling dust at the drill tip for a clean and healthy work place.
  • Centering tip allows for accurate positioning on uneven surfaces reducing slip.
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Application and approval

  • For drilling holes with low dust in combination with chemical and mechanical anchors
  • Ideal for sensitive surroundings where dust should be avoided (hospitals, labors, manufacturing halls, at traffic routes, overhead applications...)
Building materials
To create approval-compliant drill holes in:
  • Reinforced concrete
  • Concrete
Also suitable for:
  • Solid brick
  • Solid sand-lime brick
  • Natural stone
You can find detailed information on building materials in the registration document.

Assembly instruction

  • The drill dust is evacuated directly at the drilling tip due to the vacuum drill system and the hollow cylindrical shaft.
  • The hollow drill bit FHD Max has to be used in combination with a vacuum cleaner of the dust class M.
  • The hollow drill bits FHD Max connect with the usual SDS Max hammer drill bits.

Documents for download

  • Sales materials
Hollow drill bit FHD.